Karmic Law

The Buddha once said, “When a bird is alive..it eats ants, when the bird has died..ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million matchsticks..but only one matchstick is needed to burn a million trees. Circumstances can change at any time..don’t devalue or hurt anyone in this life. You may be powerful today but time is more powerful than you. So be good and do good.”
When I was younger I used to think Karma was exclusive to the faith I grew up in, but growing older and wiser I see that many faiths have some written derivation of this, and even those with no faith understand Karmic Law.
You don’t need to meditate for hours, become enlightened, go to an ashram, or what have you to understand Karma.
It’s principles are universal and transfixed into everyday life. There is no such thing as bad karma or good karma. Karma is simply what is. For example with a traffic light you have green and red. Green doesn’t mean good or bad, neither does red, but if you run a red light consequences can occur.
When you look at our environment, you can see that we are burning fossil fuels, factory farming animals, creating genetically modified foods, and living with ego, etc. In turn, we get a depletion of our ozone layer making us susceptible to cosmic attacks, food contamination, heart disease, soil that has lost the means to produce on its own, war, etc..
You also see karma working in other ways. People that choose to serve others seem to be happier, those who give their money and time to charitable causes tend to get rewarded ten fold in return, those that eat healthy and take of their bodies live a long and healthy life and create happiness around them, etc..
Karma is working with you today. With every thought you think you create your reality. Think good thoughts, and good things will happen. This is simple, and elemental, but you must understand that with every action there is a reaction. Your decisions do more than just impact you, they impact the greater world.
With Love,
For more articles on spirituality, self-awarness and health please visit my blog @ TheSpiritualHerbivore